• Norwood Forum

Repair Café

The very first repair cafe by the West Norwood Repair Café. General, ceramics and textile repair volunteers are sought, as well as anyone up for helping with meet and greet. Volunteers usually arrive at 10:30am for the set-up

When: Sunday 14 May 2023; 11:00am-2:00pm

Where: West Norwood Fire Station Community Room. 210 Knights Hill, SE27 0QA. 

Other info.: Tea, coffee, biscuits and other refreshments available.

WhatsApp group for volunteers to help coordinate attendees etc: follow this link to add yourself to the group. Please keep chat relevant to the upcoming events: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kb7bGKVNXOkLVjIOYASlst

Follow on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/westnorwoodrepaircafe/

event date: 

Sunday, May 14, 2023