• Norwood Forum

West Dulwich Street Improvements

Update 5 May 2023
The public information event in West Norwood Library on 22 April was not well advertised, and we understand there was too little space and too few staff, which combined with lots of public in attendance, did not make for a wholly satisfactory event, but there is still time to add your comments to the Commonplace website - closing date is Sunday 7 May - follow this link.

Following public consultation in February/March last year, Lambeth has published its proposals for street improvements in West Dulwich.

Lambeth says community feedback and data collected showed that some streets experience high volumes of traffic travelling through the neighbourhood, often to/from the A205 south circular. As well as reducing traffic, members of the community said they would like the plants and greenery in their area to be better maintained. Also, people would be encouraged to walk/wheel and cycle more by providing more cycle parking, more places to stop and rest and for the pavements to be repaired where they have been damaged by tree roots. Based on these findings, a variety of street improvements are now proposed.

The Council's West Dulwich Street Improvements are designed to make the neighbourhood safer, healthier and more climate resilient. To achieve this, a range of street improvements are proposed, which aim to:

  • improve conditions for walking/wheeling and cycling
  • reduce road danger, congestion and emissions
  • improve the street environment and create more community spaces. 

Some street improvements can be introduced easily and placed on top of the existing street layout, and others take longer to design and install, and require reconstruction of the street. Some improvements can be introduced on a trial basis and others are more permanent. The proposed improvements have been divided into 3 phases:

Phase 1 improvements are designed to support people to walk/wheel, scoot, cycle and enjoy the local area, by providing:

  • cycle parking
  • resurfacing uneven sections of the pavement
  • maintaining plants and greenery
  • parklets that provide places to rest and play

Phase 2 is a trial of traffic management improvements to reduce road danger, congestion, and emissions from motor-vehicles, using:

  • camera-operated traffic filters
  • banned turns
  • one-way sections

The target for launching phases 1 and 2 is Summer 2023. A third phase is planned, consisting of further street improvements, such as pedestrian crossing facilitates, junction upgrades and improvements to public realm. Proposals for phase 3 are being developed and will be published at a later date.