• Norwood Forum

OurBike community electric cargo bike share scheme

The community electric cargo bike share scheme enables residents and businesses to hire an electric cargo bike by the hour. The bikes are hosted by local businesses, who ensure that the battery remains charged and keep an eye on the bikes which are locked up outside of their premises. They can be used by residents to go shopping, take their kids to the park, or by local businesses who want an easy and sustainable way to make deliveries to nearby customers.

During the pilot, the first two hours per day are FREE and thereafter the cost will be £3 per hour. Unfortunately Lambeth has not funded a pilot operation on our patch. We have made representations pointing out that our hilly area needs an electric cargo bike scheme so confident riders can access a sustainable way to carry heavy shopping and other goods.

In the meantime, the closest hire point is The Mud Room 1 Leigham Court Road Streeathm Hill London SW16 2ND. They will provide one to one training. See here to find our more about the scheme and see the other hire locations.