• Norwood Forum

Lambeth responds to Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) report

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has now published its report about abuse of children and young people formerly in care in Lambeth. The council of the past failed to protect many of its most vulnerable children and we take responsibility for creating conditions in which horrific abuse was able to take place. 

On behalf of the council, I want to re-state our profound and sincere apology to all victims and survivors of abuse and neglect while in Lambeth’s care. They were incredibly badly let down and the council is deeply sorry for their experiences. Lambeth Council also recognises that children from Black and Multi-Ethnic communities suffered disproportionately.

Lambeth today is a different, more child-focused and positive place for young people, and we have supported hundreds of survivors through our redress scheme. But we must continue to learn the lessons of the past and never forget how we failed so many. The council recognises that there is much more to be done as part of its improvement journey and that we can never be complacent.

If you have been affected by any aspect of the publication of the inquiry’s report, the council offers its support. Please visit the Lambeth website to find out more.

Councillor Claire Holland, Leader of Lambeth Council