• Norwood Forum


SLBI summer programme

There's a great summer programme of summer activities at the South London Botanical Institute; all tickets: £5 per child with one carer. Classes are available for various age groups.

Lambeth Made Education, Skills & Employment Summer Programme

Lambeth Made Summer programme: Create your future 

This summer programme is designed to give young people a positive experience of learning, meeting new people, creating a positive mindset and skills that you can use to create your future. 

Constituency Boundary consultation

Where do you live? Is it Croydon, Streatham or Sydenham?
That will be the reality for the Norwood community if the latest boundaries are accepted as London’s parliamentary constituencies are reconfigured.
Find West Norwood by the black pointer on the before and after maps above.

Spot the Lambeth Health and Wellbeing Bus!

Ahead of the virtual Lambeth Country Show on 17 and 18 July there's a prize draw for anyone who spots Lambeth’s new Health and Wellbeing Bus at one of its stops around the borough.
