• Norwood Forum


Plastic Mountain: Join the Art Installation in West Norwood

Norwood Forum supports Plastic Mountain, a not-for-profit organisation that uses art to raise awareness of the plastic issue and to inspire action. Plastic Mountain is launching its public art installation on Friday, 30 June in West Norwood. The installation is a mound with plastic waste in its layers, which will erode and reveal the plastic. The sculpture will contrast the natural and the artificial, challenge the viewers to rethink their plastic habits, and show how waste can become wonder.

Help save Lambeth’s street trees

The council’s Trees team would welcome your help. Although we’ve just had a bit of welcome rain, more periods of hot, dry weather are to be expected over the summer. They are encouraging residents to help keep their streets’ trees watered. Full information is set out below.

Commemorate and celebrate Windrush 75!

Lambeth Council is hosting and publicising a number of events to commemorate and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the HMT Empire Windrush arriving at Tilbury Docks on 22 June 1948; see here.

Pension credit awareness week

The Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) has joined forces with charities and broadcasters to encourage pensioners to check their eligibility and apply for Pension Credit.
