• Norwood Forum

Free online Drama Sessions for children

Homes for Lambeth have some free online drama sessions for children and young people aged 7-18.These are aimed at families living on the estates that Homes for Lambeth are rebuilding but we are also happy to invite neighbours living near to those estates along too. The estates concerned are:

Central Hill
Knights Walk
Lollard Street
South Lambeth

The drama sessions will be run by the Blue Elephant Theatre Company online (via skype).Sessions will include games, team building activities and written work. There are spaces for up to 10 children in each workshop.

Joining details are below and places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Children aged 7-10 on Wednesdays, 10:30 - 11:30am:
22 July
29 July
5 August

Children aged 11-13 on Wednesdays, 12:30 - 1:30pm
22 July
29 July
5 August

Children aged 14+ on Thursdays, 5:30 - 6:30pm:
23 July
30 July
6 August

To join online: click here Join Skype Meeting

To Join by phone: 020 7926 9118; then when prompted dial in Conference ID: 5222677