• Norwood Forum

Resurfacing of local roads

A number of local roads have recently been resurfaced causing disruption and noise nuisance for some residents.

We have been in discussion with Council officers and the Council’s contractors on the arrangements that are put in place to inform our community about these works and how they are carried out.

We will be informed beforehand in future and will publicise all highways improvement works that are notified to us by the Council.

Most works are not conducted during the daytime because there is often an impact on bus routes and private transport. The Council has to consult with TfL and request their advice and approval to conduct resurfacing that will impact on the transport network. Consideration is also given to the needs of local businesses. 

However, the Council and its contractors do understand that night works cause disturbance to residents and steps are taken to limit this. Going forward from spring 2022, residents will be given twelve weeks notice of upcoming night resurfacing works for the 2022/23 programme. 12 weeks’ notice cannot be achieved for all schemes for this financial year as this would jeopardise delivery of the 2021/22 programme.

The Council has committed to starting engagement as soon as possible to ensure residents get good notice of future night works and to continue to issue letters four weeks in advance of all work. This will be followed up with the contractor letter issued 10 days before works commence.

In order to minimise the disruption to residents, the Council ensures that the contractor gets approval of a Section 61 notice which ensures that noise levels are within statutory limits. The contractor is required to submit a Section 61 notice for night works indicating the predicted noise level and what mitigation actions will be taken.

Under these arrangements, all works classified as noisy, such as milling of the surface and break out around ironworks, should be completed before midnight. After midnight the contractor will only complete works that are not classified as noisy, which includes the rolling of new asphalt. These works are deemed to produce a noise similar to normal traffic noise. Reversing alarms are still allowed as they are essential at night to help with visibility and fatigue of the crew.

We hope the above arrangements will minimise disruption to residents in the future. When we publicise future works we will include contact details so any issues can be raised immediately by residents and businesses.

Lastly, we are working with the Council on the arrangements for the forthcoming highway resurfacing works along Norwood Road from Herne Hill station to West Norwood station. These works are now due to take place in November 2021. As there is at least a potential impact on local businesses and West Norwood Feast with the conduct of works and parking of vehicles, we are arranging a stakeholder meeting involving Station to Station and Feast. We will publicise arrangements for the Norwood Road resurfacing works as soon as we can.

If, in the light of your recent experience of resurfacing works, you have suggestions on other factors that should be considered then please let us know.