On 26 June 2018 Norwood Forum met representatives from Veolia: Jason Prentis (Communications, Education and Outreach) and Tony Cullip (Operations Manager) to discuss a list of environmental issues identified by Norwood Forum through a series of walkabouts.
One of the concerns was rubbish dumping on Knights Hill between Wolfington Road and Devane Way by businesses, householders and others. Veolia advised that the necessary actions to address the problems will take 2-3 months to implement. These include the re-implementation of two timed one hour refuse collection periods and one for recycling. In addition fixed penalty notices were issued to a few commercial premises who did not have any refuse/recycling collection contracts. Information notices will also be put up inside shared residential blocks informing residents of their refuse and recycling responsibilities.
Norwood Forum also discussed pigeon droppings and dead pigeons at the Thurlow Park Road bridge and similar problems at the other Norwood railway bridges. Pavements at bridges are scheduled to be jet washed four times a year but this is inadequate and what is needed is preventative measures to stop pigeons perching. Veolia is holding a meeting with Network Rail to clarify responsibilities and necessary actions.
Veolia representatives undertook to report back progress on the issues raised by Norwood Forum and this will be an ongoing dialogue between us.