• Norwood Forum

Lambeth: £5million health research funding

Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy has fallen in the last few years – secured research funding will help take action to reverse this trend by using research and evidence to improve the health of local people. 

The funding is from the National Institute for Health and Care Research to set up Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) programmes. Lambeth is one of 13 local authorities to get this new funding in the first round to form new HDRCs across the UK, to provide the capacity and capability for local authorities to undertake public health research to address causes of health inequalities.

Lambeth Council’s Public Health Team secured almost £5 million in funding over five years for local authority health research. The bid was developed with local people, staff and partners at Kings College London and Black Thrive.

You can read more here on the Love Lambeth website.