• Norwood Forum


Both the new zebra crossing by Harpenden Road and the pavement widening on a stretch of the Norwood Road have been criticised by some because it is felt that the consultations were not thorough enough and the concern that the reduction in parking on the main road will affect local businesses.  Many others have been very pleased with the improvements.  Norwood Forum is a participant in Streetworks and we believe that these changes were long overdue.  The wider pavements are more attractive for pedestrians, easier for mothers with buggies and arguably better for retailers who can now use the space without the risk of cluttering the pavement.  Streetworks is not anti-cars and set out to provide replacement parking spaces on adjoining roads and the opening up of Waylett car park.

Norwood Forum is on the steering group of Streetworks and we take an active role in guiding the project for the benefit of the community.  We recognise that Norwood is changing and that more of the same is not the way forward.

Another Streetworks project we are keen to promote is the change to the Tulse Hill gyratory system to create a pedestrianised area and turn the one way system into a two way road (see diagram above). Transport for London ("TFL")  are currently doing modelling work to try and figure out how this major change will impact traffic flow and including  side roads as drivers try to find shortcuts.  There will of course be further public engagement in the coming months so that local people can have a say.