A town hall style online meeting is to be held on Wednesday 21 April (5:00pm-6:30pm – via Zoom, moderated by AgeUK Lambeth) to welcome local residents and community members to a local loneliness project. The aims of the meeting are to:
• Introduce the Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA)
• Provide information about their Loneliness: Test & Learn project
• Hear from local residents on what matters to them in reducing loneliness
• Establish what can help reduce loneliness for older adults in the local community
We hope as many local people as possible will attend this initial meeting and give their views. This initiative is led by Lambeth Together, which works to integrate health and social care, and is focussed on Thurlow Park, Tulse Hill and Herne Hill wards.
The project is targeting those over 65 with multiple long-term conditions who are isolated and suffering from loneliness, with the aim of co-producing and creating an integrated approach to reducing loneliness. Initial research with local residents has been undertaken to highlight barriers people face in terms of social interaction and suggest solutions to reduce their loneliness.
The flyer for this event, with joining details, can be read here.
Norwood Forum will seek to provide representation of our local communities and aim to ensure the project is co-produced. Please do attend this meeting and give your views; if you cannot attend please send us any views you want aired. Also, please feel free to contact us in the future with any further views.