• Norwood Forum

ClearCommunityWeb and the Lambeth’s Digital Inclusion Network

ClearCommunityWeb is a social enterprise, providing borough-wide digital skills training, advice and support services to community groups, older people, vulnerable adults and carers across Croydon, Lambeth and Southwark. Their popular Digital Skills For Seniors virtual class has restarted with a session on the Covid-19 Track and Trace App. Read more about their work in this Love Lambeth article.

ClearCommunityWeb is part of the Lambeth’s Digital Inclusion Network, established in July 2020, which brings together more than 20 charities, housing providers, community-led initiatives and Lambeth Council working on tackling Digital Inclusion in Lambeth. The network aims to share learning, connect across initiatives, and grow to ensure that no Lambeth residents are excluded from social, educational and economic opportunities because they lack digital equipment, connectivity, skills or confidence. To join or find out more contact Chloe Bernard-Grahame, Strategy and Partnerships Manager.