• Norwood Forum

Norwood and Brixton Foodbank: news

News on a new app for required food items, how to make donations, and volunteering opportunities..

Foodbank app.: This new app allows you to view food items that are in short supply and allows the Foodbank to send a push message to you when we urgently need a particular item. The app is now available for both iPhones and Android phones. Its free to download; simply go to your app store and search for Foodbank by Redemption Media.

Donations: There are a number of new initiatives to suit your donating preferences, including a text to donate service where simply by texting 'dinner 5' or 'dinner 10' to 70085 enables you to donate the corresponding amount through your phone. Please see the ways to donate info sheet to see all your donation options.

Volunteer: There are a wide selection of current volunteering opportunities, including  regular commitments alongside ad-hoc positions and feature campaigning, fundraising, cycle delivery, online-selling, poster designing and many more. Click to download the list of roles and to find out how to apply.