A series of courses in the new year for those who are:
- A resident of Lambeth
- Over the age of 18
- Have one or more of the following, mental health problems, drug and alcohol recovery or other disadvantages.
The courses are as follows*:
6 January 2020: Driving Ambition; 10 Weeks (1-3pm)
14 January 2020: Food Safety Level 2; seven weeks (10am-12noon)
15 January2020: British Health and Safety Level 2; six weeks (11am-1pm)
16 January 2020: 10 Steps into Employment; 10 weeks (10am-12:30pm)
23 January 2020: Module Motor Mechanics; 12 Weeks (1-3pm)
*Some course dates are subject to change
First Step Trust are based locally: Unit 9, The Windsor Centre, Windsor Grove, West Norwood,London,SE27 9NT
Further info.: contact Harriet Tawari on 0208 761 0776 or Email: harriet.tawari@firststeptrust.org.uk