• Norwood Forum

Events and Activities for World Health Day

World Health Day
Wednesday 7 April 2021

You are invited to join Healthwatch Lambeth and @TonyCealy for a full day of events and activities - all free.
See the poster below and book your free place at any or all of the events by using this link: Meeting Registration - Zoom
The day kicks off at 7am with various wellbeing related sessions every hour and ends with an evening play/performance starting at 7pm. You can book your tickets for the play here: Jus-Tickets - Kwame & Lockdown 3 (jus-tickets.com)
Tony Cealy is a  locally based Arts Development Practitioner, Trainer working in SME's, groups, charities, statutory services, criminal justice, health, education, housing and social care.
Healthwatch Lambeth is a local charity but part of a wider national network; it works to ensure health & social care delivery is meeting the needs of Lambeth residents.