• Norwood Forum

Lambeth Council parent and carer survey

Lambeth Council is carrying out research to gather your views about communication. The most recent SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) inspection found that some parents and carers had not heard of Lambeth’s SEND local offer and the support that is available for their children and young people. This highlighted a clear need to heighten awareness and to increase accessibility. To help us shape Lambeth's new Communication Plan, they want to hear from you to better understand your preferred methods of communications.

Take the quick survey

About the survey

  • The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes.
  • Your responses will be anonymous unless you opt in to give/ receive additional information.
  • Where personal information is requested, the data collected will be confidential and will not be used together with your answers or to identify you.
  • The survey deadline is Friday 26 February 2021.

If you have any questions about this survey, please email Denese Chikwendu, Programme Manager – Education & Learning DChikwendu@lambeth.gov.uk