• Norwood Forum

Family Safety Online

A short course to keep you and your family safe online and feel more in control. Suitable for parents, grandparents & carers.

Clear Community Web, with West London Mission, will help you understand about the risks of being online, sharing information safe and fake news.  Learn about social media, inappropriate content and challenging behaviour. There will be useful advice about what to do if you have a concern and how to get back in control. You will also get a chance to improve your digital skills and confidence through practical activities & discussion. The course covers:

  • Digital footprint
  • Fact checking & critical thinking
  • Social media settings
  • Healthy boundaries & screen time
  • Parental controls
  • Difficult conversations & family agreements
  • What to do in a crisis

Presentations, activities and discussion are used to provide an active learning environment where you will set your own personal action plan to be safer online.

Further details contact Abel Solomon: stlukes@wlm.org.uk or register here.