• Norwood Forum

Streetworks position statement 2: Norwood Road

We have reported separately on the Tulse Hill gyratory position and now report here on the Norwood Road works.

We are working with Council officers, and will be collaborating with Station to Station and West Norwood Feast, on the following remaining strands of the project:

  • Norwood Road highway resurfacing works (Robson Road to Tulse Hill gyratory). This is part of a Norwood Road resurfacing project from Herne Hill. We have examined, with Council officers, various jobs which might be included in this scheme. We await formal approval of the resurfacing scheme, and details of the works that will be included. A stakeholder meeting so we can assist in both minimising disruption (night time working is proposed), and ensure that as many of the outstanding Streetworks jobs as possible can be included. We have conducted a walkabout with Lambeth officers to establish a way forward on all these works and also to report  a host of other issues such as paving stones, granite sets and missing and damaged traffic signs, for resolution.   
  • TfL Road Safety Audit review outcomes. This review identified and confirmed a number of necessary safety tweaks to the implemented scheme. We are insisting that pedestrian priority markings/signs are installed on all side roads, and await sight of the proposals.
  • Diagonal crossing at York Hill/Lancaster Avenue
  • Car parking places - a series of adjustments and planned extra provision need to be implemented. Again we are awaiting sight of the proposals and a stakeholder meeting  
  • Greening: Station to Station has worked up a scheme with the Council to install robust, fit for purpose planting at various locations along Norwood Road working with South London Botanical Institute, and we have been involved, especially in ensuring the street furniture and the greening is complimentary.
  • Street furniture: installation of benches and chairs at various locations. This project was the subject of public consultation in 2018; we will work with Station to Station to ensure local businesses are consulted on the revised scheme.
  • Norwood Road (Tulse Hill) railway bridge orange mural maintenance and information plaque: we are working with Council officers to install the explanatory plaque next to the West Norwood Cemetery inspired mural, and to ensure the necessary deep clean and regular maintenance is undertaken going forward. There is also the possibility of a public art project which we are pursuing. 
  • Tulse Hill gyratory lighting: we are working with Norwood Action Group, the Council and TfL to resolve remaining concerns. A lighting review is expected this summer but no date has been provided as yet.

We will report regularly as we work with the Council and others to resolve these issues. Please let us know if you have any queries.