West Norwood Cemetery first entered the Green Flag Award scheme (www.greenflagaward.org) in 2016 and has continued to be a holder of this prestigious award in each successive year. It was judged in May 2018 by two experienced Green Flag Award judges who were suitably impressed by its rich heritage, biodiversity and community involvement, which was evident in how the cemetery was laid out, being used and maintained.
They were also excited by the imminent restoration of West Norwood Cemetery, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Lambeth Council, which they felt would enable the site to not only continue to maintain the exacting standards required for it to continue to fly the coveted Green Flag, but also to improve, extend and enhance many of its unique features and assets.
For more information please see the Lambeth press Release on Green Flag Award 2018 athttp://love.lambeth.gov.uk/flying-flag-fifteen-lambeths-open-spaces-recognised-uks/”
West Norwood Cemetery is also eligible for the ‘Green Heritage Award’ which is additional to the Green Flag Award and recognises the shared efforts of landowner and user groups to protect, promote and celebrate an open space’s heritage. However, this application will await the completion of the current restoration. This will means the judges for that award will be able to see how this unique site continues to be not just a place for sensitive bereavement and quiet remembrance, but also somewhere special to visit, experience and appreciate heritage, landscape and nature in a safe and welcoming environment.