• Norwood Forum

Tea and Tech

Talks, discussions and a nice cup of tea to help feel more informed about technology and the internet. This time we focus on searching for better deals and services online, before making that purchase and you can try an iPAD for the first time.

Tips and advice on making informed choices and making the internet work for you, not the other way around! We also have Claire Bishop, from Leonard Cheshire, demonstrating assisted technology for those with visibility or hearing impairments.

 We can all take advantage of what is on offer! And will also be able to have 121 advice or questions asked about your mobile, tablet or laptop during the Fixing Hour.

 Resident Lynn Thomas will also be hosting her wellbeing tea party for those wanting to talk and share over a nice cup of tea.


12noon: Registration & Tea

12:15pm: Shopping for better deals. Short Discussion and practical activity


-  Assistive technology demonstrations from Leonard Cheshire Fixing Hour

- 1:1 fixing sessions to help you with your mobile phone, tablet or laptop Wellbeing -   - Drinks and snacks

When: Friday 29 November 2019 (from 12noon)

Where: Upper Norwood Library Hub, Westow Hill, Crystal Palace, London, SE19 1TJ

You can register beforehand here on Eventbrite.

Further info.: contact Caspar Kennerdale caspar@clearcommunityweb.co.uk or directly by phone 07523 646277

event date: 

Friday, November 29, 2019